What is WPiAM GCS or Global Certification Scheme?

GCS or Global Certification Scheme is a framework developed by the World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM) in keeping with its vision of “Globally recognised Asset Management credentials”.

Ter seu conhecimento, habilidades e experiência em gestão de ativos reconhecidos por um padrão global oferece inúmeros e extensos benefícios ao longo de sua jornada profissional de gestão de ativos.

GCS is a framework for alignment of professional credentials in Asset Management to which professional bodies, post-secondary and training institutions around the world can align over time.

With the introduction of this framework, the members of the WPiAM are seeking to align worldwide efforts to develop, assess and recognize competence in Asset Management and to establish a system of assurance of quality while respecting the needs for variation of application according to the history and culture of each region in the development of this evolving professional field.

The process for recognizing the equivalence of specific credentials will be administered by the WPiAM. The process to recognize individuals’ accreditation to any of the WPiAM’s framework credentials will be administered by the organisation that owns the certification scheme that has been approved. Each credential will require demonstration of education as well as evidence of competence in practical application. Further details will be announced as they evolve.

The Estrutura de Certificação Global provides a three-level designation framework that has been shaped around the key Asset Management roles.

Level 1: Certified Senior Principal in Asset Management (CSAM)
Level 2: Certified Practitioner in Asset Management (CPAM)
Level 3: Certified Technical Specialist in Asset Management (CTAM)

Diretor Sênior Certificado em Gestão de Ativos (CSAM)

Esta certificação é aplicável a profissionais (ou consultores especializados) responsáveis ​​pelo estabelecimento, atualização e supervisão de gestão da aplicação de um AMF holístico e integrado numa área significativa do negócio da organização, responsável pelos objetivos estratégicos da organização.

Profissional Certificado em Gestão de Ativos (CPAM)

This certification is applicable to practitioners (or advisors thereto) responsible for the establishment, updating, and management oversight of the application of a Domain of AM that is significant to the organisation’s AMF across a significant area of business.
Importantly, this framework must inform, and be informed by, the organization’s strategic objectives.

Especialista Técnico Certificado em Gestão de Ativos (CTAM)

Esta certificação é aplicável a pessoas que são proficientes na aplicação de atividades específicas e essenciais dentro de um domínio relevante de AM, necessárias para cumprir os objetivos de AM da organização.

The GCS or Global Certification Scheme provides a laddered career path for asset management professionals who are looking to advance their skills and improve their ability to contribute to the success of the organisations they serve.

This competency-based scheme will provide a common base for organisations to ensure that the individuals they hire anywhere in the world have the knowledge, skills and experience to apply asset management principles in various contexts.

Certifying organisations

These member organisations have achieved recognition by World Partners in Asset Management as authorised to provide certification that is aligned to the Global Certification Scheme.

Any questions on how you or your organisation can get involved, please contact our Association Manager at info@wpiam.com.