The CAMA Technical Team
The CAMA Technical Team provides technical support to the WPiAM related to the content, structure and quality of CAMA Exam questions.
We maintain consistency between the CAMA Exam questions and GFMAM Competency Specification for an ISO 55001 Asset Management System Auditor/Assessor.
We provide input on exam procedures and systems that may impact on the security or integrity of exam questions and outcomes.
We maintain and update exam questions to keep the CAMA Exam relevant and dynamic.
Our Conduct
We assure the technical quality of examination question and answer sets.
We assure consistency in exam quality across multiple languages including English, French, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish.
We assure the security of examination question and answer sets in our care.
We monitor and review and evaluate examination procedures for quality improvement purposes as required.
We are aligned to and support ISO 17024 – Conformity assessment, General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons.
We monitor, reviews and evaluate examination outcomes for quality improvement purposes (including candidate feedback and psychometric results).
We monitor changes to GFMAM specification to keep the examination specifications current.
We review the GFMAM specification(s) to keep overall CAMA Certification specifications current (with respect to requirements that may not be addressed by the exam)
We provide a technical advisory role to the Management Company.
We establish, monitor and revise processes to augment the exam question pool.
We contribute to the standing rules, policies and procedures related to the Certified Asset Management Assessor program as requested by the Management Company.
We contribute to the promotion of the CAMA exam.